A pesar de infección se niega dejar de amamantar

Cuando tenía cinco semanas de edad, Summer tuvo los primeros síntomas de esta afección

Georgia.-Una madre ha continuado amamantando a su hijo pequeño a pesar del consejo de los médicos en su comunidad. Summer Dawn Pointer, de 22 años, de Georgia, está a decidida a amamantar a su bebé Knox después de su nacimiento en mayo de 2017.

Cuando tenía cinco semanas de edad, Summer tuvo dolor en el seno derecho y luego se le diagnosticó la mastitis, una afección que causa que el tejido se inflame y le provoque malestar intenso.

Un médico alentó a la nueva madre a dejar de amamantar, pero continuó a pesar de la advertencia, e insiste en que no se detendrá hasta que su hijo de 18 meses se retire. 

"Planeo amamantar a Knox hasta que tenga al menos dos años de edad o más si decide hacerlo más tiempo que eso. Me detendré cuando él esté listo para destetarse", dijo la madre.


Cuando Summer fue diagnosticada por primera vez con mastitis, le recetaron antibióticos. Después de que no trataron la enfermedad, Summer fue remitida a un cirujano de senos para que le extrajera el doloroso absceso que se había formado en su seno.

Ella dijo: 'Yo amamanto en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento. Al principio, estaba un poco nerviosa solo porque era difícil , pero después de un tiempo se volvió más fácil.

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I've never publicly posted pictures of this or really explained it. But I get really tired of people telling me that I think I'm better than them because I breastfeed. I don't think I'm better but I do think I'm stronger and definitely more determined. So here's my story. Knox wouldn't latch the first 2 months so I had to use a nipple shield which prevented him from removing milk efficiently. So around 6 weeks postpartum mastitis formed on my right breast. I got on antibiotics 2 days after I realized what it was, 3 days into the 1st round of antibiotics I saw no improvement so I went back to my obgyn and he prescribed me stronger antibiotics. Those also didn't work, after day 5 on them I noticed a soft spot forming in the middle of the mastitis. I called my ob and he set up an appointment for me to come back in the following day. He then referred me to a breast surgeon who told me I'd probably end up having to quit breastfeeding to get surgery. I literally cried and cried at the thought of HAVING to quit. I asked her if there was anyway we could try an antibiotic to treat mrsa, which I had to pay out of pocket for ($75). She said we could try it, I started seeing improvements, so after my last dose I had a follow-up with her. Well I ended up having to go to the hospital to get the abscess aspirated. It was literally the worst pain of my life. I made a follow-up appointment with my ob the next day and he told me he could schedule an emergency surgery the following day. It was feeling better so I wanted to try one more round of the antibiotics for mrsa. I drained it 3 more times over the next 2 days then had the follow-up with the breast surgeon. It was almost completely healed but she wanted to cut it open and pack it just in case. My sister and mom had to repack the wound for a week. I still have scar tissue in my right breast since the whole pocket wasn't removed. Fast forward to now, 16 months breastfeeding my baby and 13 of those months I've only been nursing off my right breast. So yeah this is why I am the way I am about breastfeeding. I had the hardest journey and still pushed through it so my baby could get the best nutrition possible.

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Summer, que publica sobre la lactancia materna en Instagram, dijo que recibe comentarios principalmente positivos de sus seguidores, pero que algunos la critican por insistir en que "el pecho no es lo mejor".